Wednesday, May 16, 2007

10 Things Everyone Should Know About the Korean War

1. One of the reasons for the start of the war was that Soviets turned the government of North Korea communist.
2. America took control of South Korea, turing the government noncommunist.
3. The war began in June 1950 when North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea.
4. President Truman viewed this war as a test for his containment plan.
5. General Douglass MacArhur proposed using bombs on China, but Truman said no.
6. By 1952, the war was very unpopular, so Truman began to talk of making a truce.
7. Truman was then seceeded by Eisenhower, who put a quick end to the war.
8. He ended the war in July 1953.
9. Many Americans were frusterated by this war, which to some was considered pointless.
10. Many politicians used the frusteration of people to get support.

1 comment:


Nice job, Erin - you have a decent foundation on the war!